
For larger companies, and smaller businesses with more complex needs, we offer a more complete solution - the same system that we use internally in Synega, to operate our company 100% remote.

One login

It is important to make it as easy as possible with logins and system overview, as organisations work more remote. Therefore, we have set it up so that you can log in to all systems in one place, with a single username and password.

Third party systems

We have compiled most of what you need in our system, but if you need third-party systems, we can solve this. Access to other systems is controlled within our system, so that all corporate users still only have one username and one password to access everything, regardless of how many third-party solutions that are used.

Access control

We have set up different types of standard user profiles, which in turn have different access rights; for example "Admin", "Manager", "Production", "Sales" and "Customer Service".


All users have their own dashboard, which displays all tasks and emails that need to be performed and answered from day to day. See what's over the deadline, what must be done today, and future events.

Customer Dashboard

Let all customers get their own customer dashboard, where they can see flat rates, keep track of timekeeping live, and start or stop work if desired. Also let customers activate tasks directly on their profile, such as "Get a call" or "Do you want a copy of the invoice by email."

Weekly Dashboard

Let employees add how much they can/should work per week, and design their own weekly dashboards with tasks and emails to be handled every day. Let employees see how long tasks typically takes to complete by using average estimates, so they can better manage their time.


Set up a complete workflow for existing and potential customers, or the recruitment processes for new employees. Convert leads and prospects into customers and employees with just one click.


Set up automatic emails or SMS on task deadlines for customers or employees. Set up whether to send out something before or after the deadline, or whether it should notify repeatedly until the task is completed.


Connect a joint email for the entire company and move emails easily internally. The use of smart routing enables all emails to automatically be linked to the correct customer as long as the customer's email address is in the system. Email addresses that are not in the system can simply be connected to leads or customers for further action.


Connect your phone and get automatic timekeeping on all phone calls, along with the automatic setup of tasks when you miss a call. If you call directly from the system, the duration of the call will automatically be logged to the relevant customer profile.

Automated file storage

Create standard folder structures for all customers, and set up automatic construction of customer folders, so you don't need to do manual updates when establishing new customer relationships. Connect tasks to specific files or folders so all files are stored where you want automatically.


Chat internally and link chatting to tasks or emails on a customer, so you constantly have both overview and traceability. Also select if you want the chat to be private or whether anyone can see what is talked about. Group chat and video chat is also under development.


Timekeep on all tasks, emails and chats, and select what is billable and non-billable. Choose a fixed hourly rate for all customers or some customers. You can also select a fixed price per month or a fixed rates for specific task.


Choose deadlines on tasks, emails and chats and get automatically notified when these are exceeded. Set up logics that allows the system to tell you when you have to act. For example, when a customer should be moved internally or whether a customer relationship should be ended.

Overdue reasons

Create different overdue reasons, which can be used if a task is not completed within the deadline. Set up a reason, for example, "Waiting for the customer", and select how many times it can be used before infringement of a deadline.

Automatic triggers

Insert triggers that set up tasks and sends out emails and SMS automatically. This may for instance be used when you get a new customer, moving a customer internally, ending a customer relationship, setting a customer on pause, or flag a customer that has not paid yet.


Watch users log in, how much they have to do, and if internal deadlines are met. Add a hourly rate to employees, or percentage of hourly rate to consultants, and let everyone see what they get paid at the end of the month, with full control as well.


Track reports that tell you where possible problems might occur, so you can act before they happen and avoid complaints and conflicts.

File Library

Make a file library where employees can retrieve templates and files they need to perform a task. Choose what is visible to the different types of profiles.


Set up different forums where employees can ask questions, discuss, and help each other with questions.


Set up frequently asked questions and answers, where all employees can check if it's something they are unsure about, or how to properly handle a customer relationship. Create as many categories as you want and sort questions and answers.


Send out newsletters on a recurring basis to all customers, and choose whether they will be able to unsubscribe to your newsletter, or if there is information that all customers is required to receive.

Connect your website

Connect your website to the system with API and get leads and customers automatically into the system for further action. Select the tasks to be set up automatically when a form is completed on the website, and get an automated onboarding process.

Questions on the website

Set up a questionnaire, which potential customers can use to ask questions on your website, get these right into the system and assigned to the appropriate person. Moreover, you can follow up that the questions are answered.

Personal service

All customers of Synega Enterprise receives a dedicated specialist, which helps to move emails and phone numbers, set up workflows and everything to have you set up properly from the beginning. Get a all in one IT system in a single place, so you gain control of your business - 100% remote.


The price depends on how much customisation is needed to get everything to work seamlessly for your company. Please contact us for unconditional information. In special cases, if your business is relatively newly started, it may also be that we take responsibility for the IT system, as well as other services, free of charge, for a small stake in the company.

It is important to make it as easy as possible with logins and system overview, as organisations work more remote. Therefore, we have set it up so that you can log in to all systems in one place, with a single username and password.

We have compiled most of what you need in our system, but if you need third-party systems, we can solve this. Access to other systems is controlled within our system, so that all corporate users still only have one username and one password to access everything, regardless of how many third-party solutions that are used.

We have set up different types of standard user profiles, which in turn have different access rights; for example “Admin”, “Manager”, “Production”, “Sales” and “Customer Service”.

All users have their own dashboard, which displays all tasks and emails that need to be performed and answered from day to day. See what’s over the deadline, what must be done today, and future events.

Let all customers get their own customer dashboard, where they can see flat rates, keep track of timekeeping live, and start or stop work if desired. Also let customers activate tasks directly on their profile, such as “Get a call” or “Do you want a copy of the invoice by email.”

Let employees add how much they can/should work per week, and design their own weekly dashboards with tasks and emails to be handled every day. Let employees see how long tasks typically takes to complete by using average estimates, so they can better manage their time.

Set up a complete workflow for existing and potential customers, or the recruitment processes for new employees. Convert leads and prospects into customers and employees with just one click.

Set up automatic emails or SMS on task deadlines for customers or employees. Set up whether to send out something before or after the deadline, or whether it should notify repeatedly until the task is completed.

Connect a joint email for the entire company and move emails easily internally. The use of smart routing enables all emails to automatically be linked to the correct customer as long as the customer’s email address is in the system. Email addresses that are not in the system can simply be connected to leads or customers for further action.

Connect your phone and get automatic timekeeping on all phone calls, along with the automatic setup of tasks when you miss a call. If you call directly from the system, the duration of the call will automatically be logged to the relevant customer profile.

Create standard folder structures for all customers, and set up automatic construction of customer folders, so you don’t need to do manual updates when establishing new customer relationships. Connect tasks to specific files or folders so all files are stored where you want automatically.

Chat internally and link chatting to tasks or emails on a customer, so you constantly have both overview and traceability. Also select if you want the chat to be private or whether anyone can see what is talked about. Group chat and video chat is also under development.

Timekeep on all tasks, emails and chats, and select what is billable and non-billable. Choose a fixed hourly rate for all customers or some customers. You can also select a fixed price per month or a fixed rates for specific task.

Choose deadlines on tasks, emails and chats and get automatically notified when these are exceeded. Set up logics that allows the system to tell you when you have to act. For example, when a customer should be moved internally or whether a customer relationship should be ended.

Create different overdue reasons, which can be used if a task is not completed within the deadline. Set up a reason, for example, “Waiting for the customer”, and select how many times it can be used before infringement of a deadline.

Insert triggers that set up tasks and sends out emails and SMS automatically. This may for instance be used when you get a new customer, moving a customer internally, ending a customer relationship, setting a customer on pause, or flag a customer that has not paid yet.

Watch users log in, how much they have to do, and if internal deadlines are met. Add a hourly rate to employees, or percentage of hourly rate to consultants, and let everyone see what they get paid at the end of the month, with full control as well.

Track reports that tell you where possible problems might occur, so you can act before they happen and avoid complaints and conflicts.

Make a file library where employees can retrieve templates and files they need to perform a task. Choose what is visible to the different types of profiles.

Set up different forums where employees can ask questions, discuss, and help each other with questions.

Set up frequently asked questions and answers, where all employees can check if it’s something they are unsure about, or how to properly handle a customer relationship. Create as many categories as you want and sort questions and answers.

Send out newsletters on a recurring basis to all customers, and choose whether they will be able to unsubscribe to your newsletter, or if there is information that all customers is required to receive.

Connect your website to the system with API and get leads and customers automatically into the system for further action. Select the tasks to be set up automatically when a form is completed on the website, and get an automated onboarding process.

Set up a questionnaire, which potential customers can use to ask questions on your website, get these right into the system and assigned to the appropriate person. Moreover, you can follow up that the questions are answered.

All customers of Synega Enterprise receives a dedicated specialist, which helps to move emails and phone numbers, set up workflows and everything to have you set up properly from the beginning. Get a all in one IT system in a single place, so you gain control of your business – 100% remote.

The price depends on how much customisation is needed to get everything to work seamlessly for your company. Please contact us for unconditional information. In special cases, if your business is relatively newly started, it may also be that we take responsibility for the IT system, as well as other services, free of charge, for a small stake in the company.

Èn innlogging

Det er viktig å gjøre det så enkelt som mulig med innlogginger og systemoversikt, ettersom flere i organisasjonen jobber mer over nett. Vi har derfor satt det opp slik at alle logger inn i alle systemer på ett sted, med ett brukernavn og ett passord.


Vi har samlet det meste man trenger i systemet vårt, men skulle man trenge tredjepartssystemer har vi også løst dette. Tilganger til andre systemer styres inne i systemet vårt, slik at alle bedriftens brukere fortsatt kun har ett brukernavn og ett passord for å få tilgang til alt, uavhengig av hvor mange tredjepartsløsninger som benyttes i tillegg.


Vi har satt opp forskjellige typer standard brukerprofiler, som igjen har ulike tilganger; eksempelvis “Admin”, “Manager”, “Produksjon”, “Salg”, og “Kundeservice”.


Alle brukere har et eget dashboard, som viser alle oppgaver og eposter som må utføres og besvares løpende fra dag til dag. Se hva som er over fristen, hva som må gjøres i dag, og hva som skal gjøres i fremtiden.


La alle kunder få sitt eget kundedashboard, der de kan se fastpris eller følge med på timeføring live, og starte eller stoppe arbeid om ønskelig. La også kunder aktivere oppgaver direkte på sin egen profil, eksempelvis “Bli oppringt” eller “Ønsker kopi av faktura på epost”.


La medarbeidere legge inn hvor mye de kan/skal jobbe per uke, og designe sitt eget ukesdashboard med hvilke oppgaver og eposter som skal håndteres hver dag. La medarbeidere se hvor lang tid oppgaver typisk tar gitt snittid brukt i bedriften, så de bedre kan styre sin egen arbeidsdag.


Sett opp full arbeidsflyt på eksisterende og potensielle kunder, eller på rekrutteringsprosesser for personer som ønsker å jobbe hos deg. Konverter leads og prospekter til kunder og ansatte med kun med ett klikk.


Legg opp automatisk utsendelse av epost eller SMS på oppgavefrister for kunder eller medarbeidere. Legg opp om det skal sendes ut noe før eller etter fristen, eller om det skal purres løpende til oppgaven ferdigstilles.


Koble opp en felles epost for hele bedriften og flytt eposter enkelt internt. Bruk av smartruting gjør at alle eposter kobles automatisk til riktig kunde så lenge kundens epostadresse ligger i systemet. Epostadresser som ikke ligger i systemet kan enkelt kobles til leads eller kunder for videre oppfølging.


Koble opp ditt telefonnummer og få automatisk timeføring av alle telefonsamtaler, sammen med med automatisk oppsett av oppgaver ved tapte anrop. Ringer man direkte fra systemet logges varighet på tilhørende kundeprofile.

Automatisert fillagring

Lag standard mappestruktur på alle kunder, og sett opp automatisk bygging av kundemapper, slik at du slipper manuelle oppdateringer ved etablering av nye kundeforhold. Koble oppgaver til spesifikke filer eller mapper, så alle filer blir lagret der du ønsker automatisk.


Chat internt og link chatter til oppgaver eller eposter på en kunde, slik at du hele tiden har oversikt og sporbarhet. Velg også om chatten skal være privat eller om alle skal kunne se hva det snakkes om. Gruppechat og videochat er også under utvikling.


Før tid på alle oppgaver, eposter og chat, og velg hva som er fakturerbart og ikke. Velg fast timepris på alle kunder eller per kunde, eller velg fastpris per måned eller fastpris på spesifikke oppgave.


Velg tidsfrister på oppgaver, eposter og chat, og få automatisk beskjed når disse overstiges. Sett opp logikk som gjør at systemet forteller deg når du må handle ved eksempelvis at en kunde bør flyttes internt, eller om et kundeforhold bør avsluttes.

Automatiske triggere

Legg inn triggere som setter opp oppgaver og sender ut eposter og SMS automatisk. Dette kan eksempelvis benyttes når man får en ny kunde, flytter en kunde internt, avslutter et kundeforhold, setter en kunde på pause, eller markerer en kunde som ikke betaler.

Over fristen grunner

Lag forskjellig standardgrunner, som kan benyttes dersom en oppgave ikke er utført inne fristen. Sett opp en grunn, eksempelvis “Venter på kunden”, og velg hvor mange ganger den skal kunne brukes ved overtredelse av en frist, før du får beskjed.


Følg med når brukere logger inn, hvor mye de har å gjøre, og om interne frister overholdes. Legg inn timepris på ansatte, eller prosent av timepris på konsulenter, og la alle løpende se hva de får utbetalt ved slutten av måneden, samtidig som du har oversikt selv.


Følg med på rapporter som forteller deg hvor mulig problemer kan oppstå, slik at du kan agere før de oppstår, og unngå klagesaker og konflikter.


Sett opp ulike forum hvor medarbeidere kan stille spørsmål, diskutere, og hjelpe hverandre med ting de lurer på.


Legg opp et filbibliotek hvor medarbeidere kan hente maler og filer de trenger for å utføre jobb. Velg hva som er synlig for ulike typer profiler.


Legg opp ofte stilte spørsmål og svar, som alle medarbeidere kan se på om det er noe de lurer på av interne forhold, eller i arbeidet mot kunder. Lag så mange kategorier du ønsker og sorter spørsmål og svar i bedriften.


Send ut nyhetsbrev på faste tidspunkt til alle kunder, og velg om de skal kunne melde seg av nyhetsbrevet, eller om det er informasjon som alle kunder må motta.

Koble opp hjemmesiden

Koble hjemmesiden din til systemet med API og få leads og kunder automatisk inn i systemet for videre oppfølging. Velg hvilke oppgaver som skal settes opp automatisk når forskjellige skjema på hjemmesiden fylles ut, og få automatisert onboardingsprosessen din.

Spørsmål på hjemmesiden

Legg opp et spørsmålsfelt, som potensielle kunder kan bruke for å stille spørsmål på hjemmesiden din, få disse rett inn i systemet til riktig person, og følge med på at de blir besvart.

Personlig service

Alle kunder på Synega Enterprise får en egen dedikert spesialist, som hjelper til med å flytte eposter og telefonnumre, sette opp arbeidsflyter med mer, i forbindelse med oppstart. Få alle IT-systemer samlet på ett sted, slik at du får kontroll på hele bedriften din - 100 % på nett.


Prisen avhenger av på hvor mye tilpasning som må gjøres for å få alt til å fungere sømløst for din bedrift. Ta kontakt for uforpliktende informasjon rundt dette. I spesielle tilfeller, hvis bedriften din er relativt nyoppstartet, kan det også være at vi stiller med systemet, samt andre tjenester, kostnadsfritt, mot en mindre eierandel i bedriften din.